
Blog posts

A Masterclass in Selling Content with Dave Noll

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-s8ja2-12104e2 Want to know what it takes to sell a television series? Are you ready to “pitch” and land your own winning media franchise? It takes a lot for a content series to get green light these days, which is why Dave Noll (2 x Emmy Award-winning Television Series Creator and Executive Producer) and I […]

Damona Hoffman and I have a Podcast: Audience Attraction

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-k3afp-121011e In part 2 of our conversation with Damona Hoffman, we dive into knowing your audience, choosing your audience, and attracting the audience of your choice.   Connect with DAMONA HOFFMANInstagram: instagram.com/damonahoffman Connect with VINNIE POTESTIVOLinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/vinniepotestivo I HAVE A PODCAST: ihaveapodcast.com– Launch a podcast: vpe.tv/podbean– Amplify a podcast: vpe.tv/quuu– Get paid for your podcasts: […]

Dating, Podcasting, and Making Moves with Damona Hoffman

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-ae33y-121011c What happens when Damona Hoffman and Vinnie Potestivo get behind a mic? Listen to what this dating expert and podcast extraordinaire has to say about success and a few shared experiences on this episode of I Have A Podcast! We dive into how Damona has pioneered the podcasting space – back when it was […]

The Longform of Jamie-Lynn Sigler and I Have a Podcast

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-gw6yu-127052e In this episode, Jamie-Lynn Sigler and Vinnie Potestivo have an extended creative conversation in which they discuss how podcasting has helped Jamie find authenticity, connect with new listeners, create intellectual property, deepen their friendships, work together as friends, and experience creative fulfillment. 01:20 – The Trials and Tribulations of Motherhood 02:07 – Developing a […]

Jamie-Lynn Sigle, Podcast Collaboration & Burnout

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-5itsq-127074c Jamie-Lynn Sigler talks about how collaboration is the key to success in many aspects of living, not just the arts. We talk about how important it is to have relationships with other creators and how having the perspective of others helps us develop our work. Pajama Pants was created as a loosely formatted podcast […]


Home / Analytics  analytics There are many website builders out there, I happen to have been attracted to WordPress (specifically WordPress Managed by GoDaddy) as a way to build and maintain my websites. You don’t have to guess when it comes to analytics. These best-in-class solutions will give you valuable insight on your website and […]


Home / SEO  seo Notion Access Ahrefs Description: Everything you need to rank higher & get more traffic URL: https://vpe.tv/ahrefs Answer The Public Description: Discover what people are asking about… URL: https://vpe.tv/answerthepublic Bing Webmaster Tools Description: Want more users for your site? URL: https://vpe.tv/bingwebmastertools  Google Analytics Description: Welcome to Google Analytics URL: https://vpe.tv/googleanalytics Google Keyword Planner Description: […]

Social Media Verification

Home / Social Media Verification  SOCIAL MEDIA VERIFICATION Notion Access Instagram Description: Verify Your Business on Instagram URL: https://vpe.tv/Instagram Facebook – personal Description: Verify Your Page or Profile URL: https://vpe.tv/facebookpersonal Facebook – business Description: Meta Business Help Center URL: https://vpe.tv/facebookbuisness Twitter Description: About Verified Accounts URL: https://vpe.tv/twitter TikTok Description: Share your feedback URL: https://vpe.tv/tikTok YouTube Description: Verify your YouTube […]

Social Media

Home / Social Media  social media Notion Access BeLive Description:Live Streaming Made Easy URL: https://vpe.tv/belive Facebook Live Description: Facebook Live URL: https://vpe.tv/facebooklive Instagram Live Description: Instagram Live URL: https://vpe.tv/instagramlive ManyChat Description: Engage your customers instantly. URL: https://vpe.tv/manychat SnapEngage Description:  URL:  Wirecast Description: Stream like the pros URL: https://vpe.tv/wirecast YouTube Live Description: Live stream on YouTube URL:  https://vpe.tv/youtubelive Brand Yourself Description: […]

Talent Teams

Home / Talent Teams  talent teams Notion Access Creative Artists Agency (CAA) Description: We create opportunity. URL: https://vpe.tv/creativeartistsagency United Talent Agency (UTA) Description: UNITING IDEAS, OPPORTUNITIES, AND TALENT URL: https://vpe.tv/unitedtalentagency William Morris Endeavor (WME) Description: We provide our clients and partners with global access and insights into every facet of entertainment and sports. URL: https://vpe.tv/williammorrisendeavor International Creative […]