#001 SuChin Pak: Storytelling, Discipline, and Structure


Welcome, friend, to the very first episode of I Have a Podcast, a collection of conversations with today’s most successful, mindful, and impactful voices in media and technology. In this inaugural episode of IHAP I am joined by the irresistibly charming and brilliant SuChin Pak

SuChin Pak is a journalist, producer, and co-host of the podcast Add to Cart. Our friendship goes back 20+ years when we were working together at MTV. In this episode, we talk about the highs, the lows, and the reason why she never returned back to television. SuChin shares how her experience as an Asian American woman became a central part of her storytelling and why podcasting has been a brilliant platform for her to share her strengths. She also divulges the secret to keeping her creative momentum at flow – spoiler alert – it takes discipline and structure! In this episode of firsts be among the first to listen, first to review, and first to share.

And on that note, thank you so much for your support and I hope you take something from this episode that you can put into action today!

Web: www.lemonadamedia.com/show/addtocart
Instagram: www.instagram.com/suchinpak

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YouTube: www.youtube.com/vpetv
Episodes, show notes & transcripts: www.ihaveapodcast.com  

Connect with IHAP: [email protected]
Vinnie’s Services: www.vpetalent.com

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