#002 Happy Jack: Youth Culture & Mental Health


Happy Jack was founded by Jack Nathan, as a “nod to everyone who feels trapped in their mind, and a reminder to do precisely what is important to you. Otherwise, you’ll end up being normal and normal is boring.”

Unfortunately, Jack left us suddenly and accidentally on July 3, 2020 at the age of 19. His passing was unrelated to mental illness. Jack was a survivor. Not a victim. He left behind a legacy of perseverance and a company that lives on through the work of this family and the community he built.

His parents, Bradi Harrison & David Nathan, have stepped in to run their son’s company, in his legacy, in his honor, and in his shadow. As a cause-driven brand on a mission, Happy Jack donates a portion of every sale to nonprofits devoted to transforming the lives of children and families struggling with mental health.   

In this episode of IHAP, I connect with Jack’s parents, Bradi Harrison & David Nathan, to talk about running their retail business, mental illness, and their experiences working with college ambassadors. Learn more about Happy Jack and check out the merch and apparel at happyjacksworld.com.

Web: www.happyjacksworld.com
Instagram: instagram.com/officialhappyjack

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